RM208 Software list
Software Name of computer
Adobe CC2021 RM208-02 – RM208-08
Adobe CS6 RM208-01
Anaconda3 RM208-01
Anaconda3 2021.05 All Computers
Audacity 2.0.0 RM208-01
Audacity 3.1.0 RM208-02 - RM208-08
DacEsay Accounting 10 All Computers
Eviews 11 RM208-01
Eviews 12 RM208-02 - RM208-08
G*Power RM208-02 - RM208-08
Jamovi RM208-01
Jamovi RM208-02 - RM208-08
JASP 0.15.0 RM208-02 - RM208-08
Lisrel 8.8 RM208-02 - RM208-08
Lisrel 9.1 RM208-01
Microsoft Office 2016 RM208-01
Microsoft Office 2019 RM208-02 - RM208-08
Mplus 7.2 RM208-01
MYOB Accounting 16 All Computers
NVIVO 12 All Computers
Peachtree Complete Accounting 8 All Computers
Python 3.7.3 RM208-01
Python 3.10.0 RM208-02 - RM208-08
QDA Miner v4.0.11,
SimStat v2.5.8 and WordStat
R for Windows 4.1.1 RM208-02 - RM208-08
RStudio 2021.09.0-351 RM208-02 - RM208-08
SmartPls 3 RM208-01
SmartPls 3.3.3 RM208-02 - RM208-08
SPSS 26 + AMOS 26 RM208-01
SPSS 27 + AMOS 27 RM208-02 - RM208-08
Weka 3.9.5 RM208-02 - RM208-08