RM210-211 Software list
Software Name of computer
ACL for Window 14All Computers
Adobe CCAll Computers
AntConcAll Computers
AMOS 29All Computers
Anaconda3 2024.02-1All Computers
Android Studio 2024.2.2.14All Computers
Audacity 3.3.3RM211-02 - RM211-09
Audacity 3.5.1All Computers
DacEasy Accounting 10All Computers
Eclipse 2024-12 4.34.0RM211-02 - RM211-09
Eclipse Theia IDE 1.57.100RM211-02 - RM211-09
Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hotspot 21.0.5+11RM211-02 - RM211-09
Eviews 12All Computers
Eviews 13RM211-02 - RM211-09
IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.1.1RM211-02 - RM211-09
G*Power Computers
glassfish 7.0.21RM211-02 - RM211-09
jamovi Computers
jamovi - RM211-09
JASP Computers
jetty-home 12.0.16RM211-02 - RM211-09
Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2019All Computers
Microsoft SQL Server 2019All Computers
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 ExpressAll Computers
MYOB Accounting 16All Computers
Nvivo Computers
Peachtree Complete Accounting 10All Computers
Python 3.12.3All Computers
R for Windows 4.4.0All Computers
RStudio 2024.04.0+735All Computers
SmartPls 3 3.2.1All Computers
SmartPls 4 - RM211-09
SPSS 29All Computers
Weka 3.9.4All Computers
Visual Studio Community 2022RM211-02 - RM211-09