From: Professor Yxx-sx HU < cfdacompany174 @ >

Subject: Are you still on campus?


Are you still on campus?

Please, I need your urgent assistance now.

Await your reply.


Professor Yxx-sx Hu
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Braemar Hill Campus,
10 Wai Tsui Crescent,
Braemar Hill, North Point,
Hong Kong.
webpage on Computing Services Centre’s website for more details.

From: Prof. Sxxxxx Chan < scchanhu828 >

Subject: Are you still on campus?


Are you still on campus?

Please, I need your assistance now.

Await your response.


Professor CHAN, Cxxx Sxxxxx
Academic Vice President
Professor, Sociology Department
Associate Director, Contemporary China Research Center
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
10 Wai Tsui Crescent,
Braemar Hill, North Point,
Hong Kong

From: Danny WONG Shek-nam < motunrayohelen98 >

Subject: Urgent Request

Hello, Hope i meet you well
Please , I would love to need some of your time, I want you to help me run some quick errands so reply to me back immediately with an active email I can reach you on. Thanks.

Chairman Professor
Danny WONG Shek-nam

From: Henry H.L. Hu < queenamoke19 >

Subject: Urgent Request

Hello can i have a quick moment with you kindly drop an email with immediate response once you are available. Thanks.

Best Regards,
Dr. Henry H.L. Hu

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