August 4, 2022 admin Windows [HKET ]微軟針對輕型Android設備 推出「精簡版 Outlook」App 在Android設備運行Microsoft Outlook時,有時會因為記憶體(RAM)不足,而出現系統變慢,甚至無法執行程式。為避免以上情況發生,微軟(Microsoft)推出Outlook Lite App,它是一款「精簡版 Outlook」,可為輕型Android設備帶來更小、更快的運作... READ MORE
July 28, 2022 admin Others [TECHNEWSWORLD] No-Code Platforms Democratize Testing Automation Using No-code technology instead of dedicated code programmers could become the future of software development in retail marketing and related software-building industries. But it is not a one-size-fits-all solution… READ MORE
July 26, 2022 admin Windows [HKET] 微軟開放Windows 11授權 微軟(Microsoft)由去年10月正式Windows 11推出,早前一直未有提供單獨銷售使用的Windows 11授權,因此各位用戶僅可購入新PC,或者從過往合法授權的Windows作業系統升級,對於一眾偏愛DIY砌機的用戶而言,則非常不便... READ MORE
July 19, 2022 admin Smart phone [HKET] 【資訊安全】惡意軟件再現 資安專家揭多款詐騙Android App 大部分Android用戶會透過Google Play商店下載各款應用程式,但稍有不慎隨時會造成金錢上的損失!有資訊安全公司最近發現,一款名為Autolycos的惡意軟件,至少在8款Android App中出現;黑客會透過應用程式為用戶訂閱付費服務,從中獲利... READ MORE
July 18, 2022 admin Others [BBC]Shaking head and mean goose among new emojis A shaking head, new heart colours and a familiar goose are among a new group of emojis set to be released this year. Unicode Consortium's list contains only 31… READ MORE
July 15, 2022 admin Metaverse [CNET] These Free AR Apps Glimpse a Future if Artists Made the Metaverse Augmented reality took a backseat to virtual reality in the pandemic. VR headsets, which block out the real world to immerse you in a virtual one, suddenly commanded new… READ MORE
July 14, 2022 admin Network [HK01]WiFi 7即將推出 超高速率配低延遲 傳輸速度比上一代快2.4倍 雖然距離WiFi6技術正式登陸市場已經過去了2年多的時間,筆者依稀記得曾經用過的三星S10手機正式全球首款支援WiFi 6技術的手機。.... READ MORE
July 14, 2022 admin Windows [HKET]Windows用戶留意 Microsoft 365明年停止支援多個舊系統 微軟(Microsoft)自2020年開始將Office 365改名為Microsoft 365,進一步升級其雲端服務。微軟日前公布,自2023年1月10日起,Microsoft 365 Apps將不再支援Windows 7、Windows 8.1及Windows Server 2008 R2舊系統。 READ MORE