January 17, 2023 admin Smart phone [ComputerWorld]9 Android accessibility treasures that’ll make anyone more productive[ComputerWorld] Hidden among Android's accessibility options are some powerful productivity tools that can add value to any smartphone setup... READ MORE
November 9, 2022 admin Smart phone [CNET] How to Unsend or Recall an Email on Your iPhone You can get back an email you've already sent through the Mail app on iOS 16, whether it's via Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo or iCloud ... READ MORE
July 19, 2022 admin Smart phone [HKET] 【資訊安全】惡意軟件再現 資安專家揭多款詐騙Android App 大部分Android用戶會透過Google Play商店下載各款應用程式,但稍有不慎隨時會造成金錢上的損失!有資訊安全公司最近發現,一款名為Autolycos的惡意軟件,至少在8款Android App中出現;黑客會透過應用程式為用戶訂閱付費服務,從中獲利... READ MORE