Equipment Loan Services are available for staff of the University to borrow for event setups and emergencies.

Guidelines of Equipment Loan Services:

  1. Application must be submitted to CSC at least 24 hours working days in advance.
  2. All equipment must be picked up and returned by the applicant at the CSC Office. Applicants should check the equipment before leaving the service counter.
  3. You are responsible for any damage, loss, or misuse of the equipment during the loan period. Damaged or lost equipment will be subject to replacement costs.
  4. Extensions may be granted during the standard loan period based on availability.

Guidelines of Laptop Loan Services:

  1. The laptop loan service is event-based. You can borrow a laptop for up to 7 days and return it before the due date.
  2. As the number of laptops are limited, it is not guaranteed a laptop would be available unless you make a reservation and get the confirmation from us in advance.
  3. You can use the laptops anywhere but not restricted to the Campus area.
  4. You are responsible for ensuring that the laptop and other accessories, such as the charger and mouse, are not lost, stolen, or damaged. Otherwise, you will be charged for the replacement of the laptop.
  5. You are not allowed to save any files on the laptop. You can save files using your USB drive.
  6. You are not allowed to install any software on the laptop.
  7. Any files saved in the laptop will be erased and become unrecoverable once the laptop is returned to us.


  1. In the laptop bag, we will include ONE laptop, ONE mouse, ONE charger, ONE HDMI cable, and ONE CAT6 network cable. Please check to ensure that these items are included.
  2. Please check the remaining power level yourself and use the provided charger if needed.